Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Little Shop with the Three Birds

This is the second story I wrote in the book. But I must say that it really wasn’t my favourite. Initially the desire to write this story came from the title of a short story I read. I can’t remember the exact title right now, but the point was that it was very long. A long sentence, as it were. So I wanted to write a story [for whichever topic] having a long title just for kicks. And so, this one happened.

The title for this story is considerably shorter than the title I initially wrote it as. That one was “The Little Shop with the Three Birds Who Tell You What You Need and Give You What You Deserve.” Luckily I came to my senses just in time! ^^’ I’d be a laughing stock with a title like that…

Anyway, as for the story, I wanted to create a greedy character. But at that time, I was under the impression that most characters that were motivated by the lust for wealth [and are in the end consumed by it] turn out to be male. So I wanted to make [as I referred to her before she had a name] “A Great Greedy Bitch.” Personally, I don’t think I put in enough of the bratty side of Hannah in there. But I think the greed’s all there.

Now comes Robin Goodfellow. For those who got the [shameless] reference, that’s none other than Puck from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I wanted to make a trickster-type character. So what better trickster than one that already exists? For inspiration, I watched the TV show Gargoyles. It had one of my favourite portrayals of Puck. I like how he turned out but am disappointed that he wasn’t as tricky as I imagined him. His trick wasn’t that devious either. But at least this guy inspired me enough for me to draw a picture of how I thought he might look. [I’ll upload that ASAP. Be sure to check the “Art” section.] I want to write his into a story one more time. Maybe I can do better.

Then, I want to comment on the three parrot sisters. They are supposed to be an incarnation of the triple goddess concept. The triple goddess is a term used to describe three separate goddesses [and sometimes other supernatural beings] who appear always in either a triad or a group. Things like the Fates, Morrigan, Hecate, the Norns and the three witches at the beginning of Macbeth. [I believe they are known as the Weird Sisters. Way to go, Harry Potter. ^^] Anyway, the point is, one of them knows the past and knows it completely. The other, the present and the last one knows the future and it alone. It talks sporadically as it’s not really ‘in’ the present per se. Or that’s what I think anyway…

Overall this is not one of my favourite stories but I am much more satisfied with the version that made it onto the blog than the version that I originally wrote. This one has more dialogue, description and, I hope, better pacing. And as for any future plans, I think Hannah’s told all the story she can muster. I do hope I never find myself writing her again. >_< As for Goodfellow and his little pet shop, there is still much left to be said. Anyway, enjoy!


Anonymous said...

how dare u poke my name into one of ur least fav stories...=P..wel anyway dis wuz a wierd story..not one of ur best bt stil kinda kewwl..=D

Anonymous said...

HA! she got what was coming to her, greedy little...
anyway, nice writing style Arky wish I could write like that. It has a great ideas and overall excellent plot
4.7 from me, their were parts where you could improve but you still beat me hands down! keep it up Arky!

Anonymous said...

once again, real nice work buddy ;) damn, i wonder where the heck you get these ideas from... ur definitely the best writer of our age that i've met. hope you will keep that up, mate ;)

blu3rain said...

I know I can be obsessed with Shakespeare... but just out of curiousity... how did your obsession come about? =P

Arkturus said...

@ nyn : your comment makes me want to expand on that character. :P

@ ukiyo : thanks. :) i will try to improve.

@ sham : thanks. ^^ if only i could learn a way to do this faster. :P

@ poot : it was pure coincidence! ._. i swear to god! O.o the next story will have something that has nothing to do with Shakespeare. i promise. ^^